Reiki 2

  • You will learn:

    In Reiki 2 you will deepen your Reiki connection & enhance your healing power. You will learn how to perform absentee healing through time, space & distance so you can send healing reiki energy regardless of proximity, as well as past & future versions of yourself & others or situations & events. You will also learn how to connect with your higher self & the higher self of your clients/loved ones, plus mental & emotional healing. You will also be given practical steps to help you feel empowered rather than fearful when cleansing unwanted energy/Lost Souls from a home. You will be learning in an intimate group setting of up to 4 people max.

  • You will receive:

    - Reiki 2 Certification
    - 1-day workshop with training book
    - 2x Sacred Reiki Level 1 Attunements (to attune you to channel Reiki level 2 energy)
    - Practice Reiki with your fellow classmates
    - Ability to heal oneself, friends, family, animals & plants.
    - Ability to use this certification as a practitioner with paying clients
    - Light refreshments
    - Future support for one’s journey eg. questions/queries

    * Please note Reiki Level 1 is required minimum of 21 days prior to Level 2.